Value Education

The classroom is a place where children spend most of their school time. Reason enough for us to design airy, bright, spacious, print-rich and resourceful classrooms that create the most conducive environment for learning.

The furniture is ergonomically designed for correct and comfortable sitting posture and the suitability for all kinds of sitting arrangements for individual tasks, group-work and study conferences.

All the classrooms are air-conditioned and each of our classrooms is a smart class which is IT-enabled for audio-visual learning with an overhead projector, magnifying camera device and smart boards. Samskara International School believes in arousing a child’s curiosity and interest towards learning. Use of Audio Visuals during lessons brings greater clarity and comprehension of concepts and helps children to assimilate and understand better, thereby making the lessons more interactive and enriching. The children always look forward to such lessons and sharing of information as visual stimulation always has a more lasting impression.

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